Some day soon I will add my artist statement to this site. Until then, I’m keeping it casual with this type of blog post. I’m working through my ideas and feelings about what it means to have a moral compass. I’m thinking about what is valuable and important to surviving in my American culture post – recession. There’s been a lot to learn in the last 4 years. I am understanding my own value after feeling like I have none. I know now what I have to offer.

I got to New York City a little over two years ago. I’ve never felt so whole and so broken in all my life. As an artist among many artists, I wondered how I would stand out. I considered pulling some creative stunt to get noticed (not really, but the thought crossed my mind during my weaker moments). I’m not so worried about getting noticed anymore. I like being a fish among many fish. I have found strength in it. I am incredibly motivated by the talented and unique people that surround me in this city. And I’m interested in making my own small gestures.

I draw because it’s my skill, it helps me see… and feel, it’s what I have to give. I print because I have something to say. January 26, 2013